dublin, ireland, parenting, photography, portrait

An insatiable hunger for all things christmassy



I honestly don’t know how they do… 

Sometimes I’m afraid that their little hearts might explode with all the excitement and expectation and eagerness that they pack therein. 

Sunday 22 December was definitely a good day.

It all started with the Turkey Trot at Luca’s athletics club.



Then it was the annual pilgrimage to Farmleigh to see the Real Santa TM (all the others are fakes). 

He wasn’t there when we arrived… 

Still they got to eat a hotdog the size of their arm.

And then we were nabbed by the friendly people from the Victorian Christmas experience and dressed up.



Then it was story time


And finally the Big Dude in person arrived!


And to round it all off, we got to go for a lap of the back gardens in a horse-drawn carriage (definitely the highlight for Mimi).

And it started to snow! (well, melted cold freezing not-snowman-material stuff, but still!) 


Now, their little hearts have not quite exploded. They are all snoring away, totally knackered. 

So are we, but we are still up wrapping presents.

While sipping copious amounts of hot port. 

Jeez, the kids have reignited my love of Christmas. 


2 thoughts on “An insatiable hunger for all things christmassy

  1. Pingback: Kids and Christmas | Ante

  2. I love Farmleigh Christmas market! Missed it this year though, damn! Still, it was nice to revisit it via your post.
    Yes, Christmas is all about the kids. And hot port, of course.

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