
Femdom costumes are all the rage these days

Colette and Diarmuid always insisted on looking their best at a wedding.

Today’s union in matrimony of young Dervla and Declan would be an extra special event, as it happened to coincide with Coco and Didi’s own plastic wedding anniversary.

art, dublin, funny, humour, ireland, photography, rain, ribbed for your pleasure, shite weather, street photography

The wedding


Playing my trump card for Halloween

This year, I have decided to go for a minimalist yet effective option.

Total cost: EUR1.50

And still, I almost soil myself each time I look up from my computer screen.

To be fair, I almost soil myself each time I look at my screen too. Such is the amount of emailed nonsense that lands there at regular interval.

What can I say, I am surrounded by beauty…

art, dublin, dun laoghaire, funny, humour, ireland, restaurants named after mass murderers, ribbed for your pleasure

Halloween-ween situation



a splash of colour... quite literally, art, dublin, dun laoghaire, essential parenting implements, ireland, photography, street photography

The Octopede



On his lunch break, David liked to ponder upon the exaggerated place humans assigned to themselves in the universe.

He tried to be at one with the ocean.

He strived to blend in with nature, with no sense of superiority over that passing seagull, or that gust of wind, or the electric flash of that mullet beneath the surface.

He relished the smell of the gentle marine breeze in his avid nostrils.

He tasted the saltiness of the sea with each pore of his skin.

But most of all, he was wondering what the fuck could possibly hold up Paul, whose turn it was to fetch the Big Mac meals, with supersized French fries and diet Coke.

art, dublin, dun laoghaire, funny, humour, ireland, life lesson, marine biology, photography, travel

Head space
