First taste – could it be as damp as Dublin?
Could it be as industrious?
Tower, pleased to have met you
Uphill struggle
Was worried I had landed in the wrong Glasgow, until I spotted the first cone on a statue
Insert cone
Cone Head Wellie
The Spot The Ball game
Trees don’t stand magically

Definition of irony: two high-visibility dossers, passing the time in a van called Active
The off sales are off

The Old Thingy. Established a long time ago.
Fresh. So fresh… exciting!

I do like a well designed well built old bridge

Emergency wee wee stop in a side alley (the combination of cold water, walking by a body of water and a micro bladder is a lethal one)
Side alley used for other emergencies…
Power-washer vs power-walker. Clash of the Titans.

Hello my wee star
Local icon. More of that later…
Impeccably aligned
Tempted to dive into the bonnie river Clyde…
Until I actually caught a glimpse of its true colour…
A. P. Welsh & Co & MURDOCH
“When I say 3, all look at me. One…Two… THREE!”
Wee fag break
Another wee fag break
Pigeon head

In colour, please
Jimborree – Plywood Merchant
Lemons and oranges
World Cup Fever. Oh, the excitement…
Glaswegian Canyon
Glaswegian Canyon II
Don’t piss off the wizard
Pure Gallus
Necropolis, city of the necros (trust me, I learned classical Greek in school)

Beware! Just… beware, roight?
Dead people make Glasgow
Cemetery with a view of a brewery. And not just any brewery. The Tennent brewery… quality that.
Cemetery with a view of a football stadium, slightly further in the distance. And not just any stadium. Celtic Park… quality that.

Chameleon multi-storey car park, blending in seamlessly.
Going dry, the Drygate way.
Mister T
I love my tenement lager…

Je T’aime moi non plus du tout du tout…
Boy in the hood
The long wait
Hey! I’m here!!! Behind the wee car!

Haggis neeps and tatties. Had to be done!
UFC romance

Glasgow man in the sky
Dublin men not in the sky
Not the sign want to read. Not when you are flying Emerald Airlines. Not when you are flying to Dublin…
Never thought I would ever write this… Ryanair saves the day!

Glasgow – 6th December 2022
