art, dublin, dun laoghaire, ireland, parenting, photography

Fact finding mission


Today: birds

“Luca, Finn, today we are not just going to run like mad eedjits around the playground. Today is about learning. They have installed a new bird identification table near the pound. Today you are going to learn something. Something about birds. Ahem… (clearing throat)… Birds: they shit a lot!”


Today’s was a lovely, cold, crisp autumn day. More please!



And now the November competition: Find the Finnzy-Bob! (and win the right to babysit him for two full weeks)


art, dublin, ireland, monochrome, photography, portrait



When I saw this loquacious young chap in his dinner jacket, white shirt and black bow tie, I felt compelled to ask for his photograph with a pint of Guinness.
I lent him the prop (he was drinking some watered down urine masquerading as lager with a name that begins a bit like Karl and ends a bit like bleurgh)

The hardest part was to manage to get his attention as his friend and he were talking at 700 zillion miles per hour.
My guess is that they were getting some Dutch courage before heading to a debating society showdown.

I have yet to see my photographic dream materialise: a roman catholic priest with the black shirt and dog colour about to dip his lips in a creamy pint.

My day will come.

art, dublin, ireland, monochrome, parenting, photography, portrait

That perspective thing


Luca fell in the school yard.
It was sore.
Sore enough to demand the application of a plaster.
The application of a plaster does not reduce the amount of pain.
Not per se.
But it provides a welcome distraction.

The removal of the plaster by a no nonsense Mum on the other hand…
Puts the pain of the graze into perspective.

I think that we can expect welcome savings on plasters in years to come.

Yes, we are monsters.
